Leonessa Hotels

Found 17 hotels

  1. This hotel has PRIVATE InItalia Club Rates!

    Relais Villa D'Assio

    4 14.90 km from Leonessa
    Ss79, Mazzetelli Map
    The Relais Villa D'Asio is situated in a tranquil location in the characteristic Rosea countryside, amidst the ruins of the villa of the Roman senator Quinto Assio (1st century b.C.). The result of the skillful restoration of an ancient 19th century haml...
    14.90 km from centre
    Wonderful 9.2/10
    7 Reviews
  2. Antica Torre Del Nera

    3 19.93 km
    Via di Borgo 72, Scheggino Map
    The Residence Antica Torre del Nera is a hotel found in the historic medieval village of Scheggino found in the beautiful green Valnerina. The village dates back to the XIII century, a period in which it flourished under the papal state, and still mainta...
    19.93 km from centre
    Exceptional 10/10
    9 Reviews
  3. Hotel Cavour

    4 20.18 km
    Piazza Cavour 10, Rieti Map
    The Hotel Cavour is found in a peaceful location on the banks of the Velino river, on the edge of the historic centre of Rieti. Recently renovated, it provides guests with the utmost peace and quiet in an atmosphere that is modern and welcoming. From th...
    20.18 km from centre
    Exceptional 9.7/10
    15 Reviews
  4. Park Hotel Villa Potenziani

    4 19.31 km
    Via San Mauro 6, Rieti Map
    The Park Hotel Villa Potenziani is a historic 18th century noble residence found in a peaceful location around 1.5km away from Reti. Once belonging to Prince Lodovico Spada Varalli Potenziani, the Villa has been completely renovated and is equipped with...
    19.31 km from centre
    Exceptional 9.5/10
    5 Reviews
  5. Hotel della Fonte

    3 22.01 km
    Piazza Roma 5, Greccio Map
    The Hotel della Fonte is found in the mediaeval village of Greccio in upper Lazio just a short distance from the cities of Rieti and Rome. Located in a historic 15th century building, this hotel maintains the timeless fascination and mystic atmosphere of...
    22.01 km from centre
    Exceptional 9.7/10
    21 Reviews
  6. Il Gelso Country House

    17.02 km
    Via Case Sparse 1, Le Mura Map
    Il Gelso Country House è un casale in pietra datato fine 800 e collocato in posizione panoramica rispetto alla collina della "Pila" che sorge all'interno del Parco fluviale del fiume Nera, nel comune di Ferentillo affascinante borgo fortificato con rocche...
    17.02 km from centre
    0 Reviews
    0 Reviews
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