Cismon Del Grappa Train Station hotels

Found 20 hotels within 50 km  [+]

  1. Albergo Fior di Loto

    2 13.86 km from Cismon Del Grappa Train Station
    Via Europa 17, Pove Del Grappa Map
    The Hotel Fior di Loto is found in Pove Del Grappa surrounded by lush greenery in a convenient location close to Bassano del Grappa, Cima Grappa, Marostica, Valstagna, Cittadella, Crespano del Grappa and Asolo. This family run hotel is the ideal place...
    13.86 km
    Excellent 8.5/10
    29 Reviews
  2. Hotel Tegorzo

    3 15.98 km
    Via Nazionale 25, Alano Di Piave Map
    L’Hotel Tegorzo, situato tra la Pianura Veneta, le colline della Strada del Prosecco, ai piedi del massiccio del Grappa, è a breve distanza da Valdobbiadene, Asolo, Castelfranco Veneto e Bassano del Grappa. Immerso nella natura, offre nelle immediate...
    15.98 km
    0 Reviews
    0 Reviews
  3. Hotel Asolo

    3 20.81 km
    Via Castellana 9, Asolo Map
    The Hotel Asolo is found at the edge of the town of Asolo, rich in history, culture, and exciting events, conveniently located near public transit lines. This hotel is found in a lovely country building dating back to 1717 that once belonged to the Rasel...
    20.81 km
    Exceptional 9.7/10
    9 Reviews
  4. Additional options

    Hotel Terme

    3 44.58 km
    Via Delle Terme 4, Vittorio Veneto Map
    44.58 km
    0 Reviews
    0 Reviews
  5. This hotel has PRIVATE InItalia Club Rates!

Places of interest in the surrounding area


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