Reviews Balletti Park Hotel - Viterbo
4 stelle
Average Ranking
on 9 surveys
Average Rating
- Cleanliness of the Rooms
- Room Comforts and Facilities
- Quality and services of the Hotel
- Staff Assistance
- Restaurant and bar
- Connections to the City
- Surrounding Area
- Accuracy of the website description
- Value for money
- Overall satisfaction

Average Ranking
on 9 surveys
88% of customers would book Balletti Park Hotel again

Da un 4 stelle mi aspettavo di più.
Almeno le zanzariere alle finestre ci dovrebbero essere.
Il televisore ancora mivar di 20 anni fa.
L'ascensore degli anni 70 mancava solo il gettone per salire
E una stanza sottotetto che per andare a letto dovevi fare il limbo sotto la trave alta 1.50cm
Devo dire che la disponibilità della reception e la piscina però ci hanno fatto passare 2 giorni sereni
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Hotel da consigliare.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

- Der Haartrockner im Bad war über 4 Tage hinweg defekt.
- Im Bad direkt neben der Toilette befand sich ein ca. 50-cent großer (vermutlich) "Kot-Fleck" vom Vornutzer, der erst am 04.09.2009 halbwegs beseitigt wurde.
- Ein vermutlich vom Vornutzer getötetes Insekt befand sich noch über Tage hinweg im Schlafraum an der Wand.
- Unter den Matrazen befand sich Schmutz (Staub/Strandsand) von erheblicher Menge
- Das TV-Gerät war schlecht eingestellt. Selbst die italienischen Programme waren teilweise nicht zu erkennen. Deutsche Programme konnten gar nicht empfangen werden.
- Das Frühstücksbuffet war sehr dürftig, der Kaffee ungenießbar.
- Der eine Herr der das Frühstückspersonal sein sollte war unfreundlich und keinesfalls zuvorkommend.
- Die Frühstückstische waren teilweise verschmutzt und mit Krümeln übersät.
- Frühstücksbesteck musste man sich selbst von anderen Tischen zusammensuchen, Das Personal deckte den Tisch den man wählte leider nicht.
- Eine heruntergefallene zerstörte Tasse wurde achtlos vom Personal mit dem Fuß bei Seite gekehrt und liegen gelassen.
- Ihre Aussenanlagen sind Top-gepflegt und einlandend.
Alles in allem bin ich enttäuscht von der Leistung Ihres Hauses. Eine sehr gute Aussenanlage ist leider nicht alles. Ihr Haus habe ich in Viterbo als teuerste Übernachtung gewählt, weil ich davon ausgehen musste, dass hier der Service stimmt, leider wurde ich eines besseren belehrt.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marcel Mareien
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Questo Hotel è sicuramente da consigliare.
I commenti di questa intervista si riferiscono alla mia prima permanenza. Successivamente, dopo due settimane, sono tornato nuovamente a Viterbo e ovviamente essendomi trovato così bene ho scelto direttamente questo hotel e anche questa volta mi è stato riservato lo stesso ottimo trattamento.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Mi sono trovato veramente bene !!! Se dovessi tornare a Viterbo, senza alcun dubbio tornerò a soggiornare nello stesso Hotel.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Additional Hotels Nearby:
Balletti Palace Hotel
Viale Trento 100, Viterbo - 6.4 Km -
Antica Locanda della Via Francigena
Strada Ponterello , Vetralla (VT) - 6.9 Km -
Residenza Principe Di Piemonte
Piazza Principe Di Piemonte , Ronciglione (VT) - 12.2 Km