Reviews Hotel Califfo - Quartu Sant'elena
4 stelle
Average Ranking
on 50 surveys
Average Rating
- Cleanliness of the Rooms
- Room Comforts and Facilities
- Quality and services of the Hotel
- Staff Assistance
- Restaurant and bar
- Connections to the City
- Surrounding Area
- Accuracy of the website description
- Value for money
- Overall satisfaction

Average Ranking
on 50 surveys
52% of customers would book Hotel Califfo again

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Bilocale accogliente e pulito, palazzo in ordine. Manca la cura dell'ambiente esterno che e' pulito ma senza manutenzione e cura sufficiente.
Ristorante con menú' molto semplice e poco vario, personale gentile. Sala ristorante pulita ma stile "pensione anni 70" da rimodernare. E' comunque comprensibile dato i costi al giorno d'oggi. Ci tornerò' comunque volentieri.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Hôtel très mal isolé dans les étages, les femmes de ménage font un bruit monstrueux au nettoyage, c'est impossible de dormir plus tard que 9h du matin. Pour le reste ce n'est pas trop mal, sauf que le wifi ne marche que au première étage.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Le petit déjeûner est très limité , j'ai dû aller le prendre ailleurs. Je n'ai pas pu profiter de la piscine, l'eau était sale et n'avait pas été entretenue.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Accueil irréprochable, personnel sympathique et compétent, accès facile et équipement satisfaisant. On peu reprocher l'insonorisation car lorsque des clients tardifs et peu discrets arrivent dans la nuit, on est forcément réveillé.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

C'était pour passer une nuit et une seule avant de reprendre l'avion à Cagliari.
Les chambres étaient rangés mais le sol pas très propre.
Tout le confort était là. Un lit agréable, une salle de bain correcte. Seul bémol le rideau de douche (en plastique et un peu moisi). Le parking est vaste.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

La piscine était dégueulasse on a pas pu se baigner, il y avait des centaines de grosses bêtes et les serviettes de bain sont des torchons.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Chambre fournie sans balcon.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Hôtel plutôt vieillissant , des petits détails qui prouvent le vétusté de l'établissement.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Cafards dans la salle de bain. Nous en avons assassiné plusieurs et leurs cadavres n'ont pas été enlevés lors du passage du personnel de chambre. À mon arrivée, on m'a dit que je n'avais pas droit au petit-déjeuner alors que je pensais autrement. Je leur ai montré le tarif que j'ai payé mais ils restaient sur leur position: ce n'est pas inscrit sur le document. Au bout du troisième jour et quand j'ai voulu parler au directeur, il y a eu un miracle : j'ai eu le petit-déjeuner.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Le style de cet hôtel est vieillot, les cubes sont disgraçieux. Les chambres sont insonorisées, donc réveillés toutes les nuits. Rien à dire en ce qui concerne le personnel et la propreté. Ce qui nous a trompé, c'est la photo de la piscine qui est utilisé pour la pub de l'hôtel. Aucune chaine française, la nourriture était bonne, sauf le petit déjeuner où le chocolat était imbuvable, beaucoup de variété mais peu de bonnes victuailles. Enfin, le soir un septuagénaire nous faisait un concert (nous étions pas loin de la ville de Iglésias) et nous empêchait de nous entendre parler mon épouse et moi. Pour terminer, on nous a facturer de la boisson alors que le serveur nous avait dit le premier soir que c'était compris dans la demi-pension. Encore une petite chose, sur les quatre nuits passées à l'hôtel, deux fois dès huit heures une entreprise faisait des travaux à l'aide de perçeuses dans les chambres.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Additional Hotels Nearby:
Best Western Hotel Italia
Via Panzini 67, Quartu Sant'elena (CA) - 3.1 Km -
Hotel Due Colonne
Via Sardegna 4/8, Cagliari - 9.7 Km -
Hotel Quadrifoglio
Via Peretti 10, Cagliari - 9.8 Km