Average Ranking
on 39 surveys
Average Rating
- Cleanliness of the Rooms
- Room Comforts and Facilities
- Quality and services of the Hotel
- Staff Assistance
- Restaurant and bar
- Connections to the City
- Surrounding Area
- Accuracy of the website description
- Value for money
- Overall satisfaction

Average Ranking
on 39 surveys
41% of customers would book Hotel Ideal again

Prenotate due camere doppie, ospitati in due singole fatte diventare magicamente doppie;"celle monastiche per ritiro spirituale" Tolto un applique-comodino e sistemato a terra tra i due letti e lasciato scoperto pericolosamente il profilato metallico, dietro il cuscino.Le risposte della operatrice alla reception sono state debolissime.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Rispondiamo così perché in hotel stavano svolgendo delle ristrutturazioni di diverse camere . Per accedere alle camere si doveva passare in mezzo alle macerie dei lavori.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Un albergo dichiarato a 3 stelle per quello che visto e vissuto non si potrebbe neanche classificare una scarsa pensione. Un breve elenco dei disservizi:camera con stipiti della porta cadenti a pezzi,persiane inutilizzabili in quanto col legno completamente marcio quindi col rischio che ti rimanga qualche pezzo in mano,pulizia della camera lascia molto a desiderare,riscaldamento 3 ore al mattino (08.00 alle 11.00)e dalle (20.00 alle 23.00)il resto della giornata è freddo gratuito; bagno se così si può definire senza finestra con ventola d'aspirazione non funzionante quindi lascio a voi giudicare tutti i disagi che ne comporta,erogatore dell'acqua della doccia sembrava il rubinetto di una fontanella da strada quindi una volta insaponati non vi dico sia il tempo che il disagio, porta asciugamani inesistenti quindi una volta che tu hai utilizzato l'asciugamano e quindi bagnato non sapevi dove riposarlo se non piegarlo come meglio potevi e posarlo dove capitava.Infine visto che il telefono all'interno della camera non funzionava, ogni qualvolta c'era la necessità di comunicare con il personale,dovevi uscire dalla camera e recarti personalmente alla reception.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

La colazione è veramente scarsa, io bevo latte di soia con cereali, yogurt e frutta fresca e succhi freschi, di tutto ciò c'erano solo i cereali.... per il resto ottimo rapporto qualità prezzo. La zona non è delle migliori, come tutte le stazioni in tutte le città, ma collegamento ottimo con il resto della città
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

Les chambres étaient sales! Les draps étaient changés mais la chambre n'était pas lavée, il y avait trop de bruit à cause des travaux, juste en face, réveille par le marteau piqueur a 7h00 du matin, impossible de dormir, de plus le petit déjeuner était très mauvais! Nous sommes très déçus de cet hôtel!
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Lorsque nous sommes arrivées on nous a proposé un e chambre on aurait dit un placard heureusement après réglamation on nous a changé.
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |

No Answer | Very bad | Bad | Adequate | Good | Excellent | |
n.a. | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | |
Cleanliness of the Rooms | ||||||
Room Comforts and Facilities | ||||||
Quality and services of the Hotel | ||||||
Staff Assistance | ||||||
Restaurant and bar | ||||||
Connections to the City | ||||||
Surrounding Area | ||||||
Accuracy of the website description | ||||||
Value for money | ||||||
Overall satisfaction |
Additional Hotels Nearby:
Hotel Garden
Corso Garibaldi 92, Napoli - 0.3 Km -
Best Western Hotel Plaza
Piazza Principe Umberto 23, Napoli - 0.3 Km -
Hotel Colombo
Via Nolana 35, Napoli - 0.3 Km