Caiazzo Hotels

Found 4 hotels

  1. Hotel Ristorante La Piana

    3 8.66 km from Caiazzo
    Via Telese, Amorosi Map
    The Hotel La Piana is an elegant and welcoming hotel found in Amorosi in the heart of historic Sannio just a short distance from Telese Terme, Pietrelcina, Benevento, Sant'Agata dei Goti, Caserta and Cerreto Sannita. This hotel is very well connected t...
    8.66 km from centre
    Excellent 8.9/10
    6 Reviews
  2. Villa Fico Country House

    7.15 km
    Via Del Frasso Contrada Lamia 5, Dugenta Map
    Villa Fico Country House is an elegant building situated in rustic Dugenta, conveniently located near Naples, Benevento, Caserta and a few hundred metres from the town hall and Frasso Telesino train station. Villa Fico is near the "Fondo Valle Isclero" st...
    7.15 km from centre
    Excellent 8.5/10
    16 Reviews
  3. Hotel dei Cavalieri Caserta

    4 11.84 km
    Piazza Vanvitelli 12, Caserta Map
    The Hotel dei Cavalieri Caserta enjoys an excellent location across from beautiful Reggia, a UNESCO World Heritage Sight, and close to the railway station and main shopping areas of the city. Ideal for a lovely holiday or business trip, guests of this h...
    11.84 km from centre
    Exceptional 9.5/10
    32 Reviews
  4. Hotel Del Sole

    3 15.63 km
    Via Uscita Autostrada Capua, Pastorano Map
    L'Hotel Del Sole sorge a Pastorano, a 8 km da Capua e a 10 minuti di auto da Caserta, nelle immediate vicinanze del casello autostradale della A1. Da qui è inoltre agevole raggiungere Napoli e il suo Golfo, nonchè la Costiera Amalfitana e le Isole di Isch...
    15.63 km from centre
    Very good 8/10
    Very good
    4 Reviews

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