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Hotels Roccella Jonica Train Station - Hotels near Roccella Jonica Train Station

Roccella Jonica Train Station hotels

Found 10 hotels within 50 km  [+]

  1. Club Hotel Kennedy

    4 670 m from Roccella Jonica Train Station
    Contrada Lacchi - S.s. 106, Roccella Jonica Map
    The Club Hotel Kennedy is found in Roccella Jonica, a town on the Coast of Calabria and the Ionian sea. Managed directly by the owners, the hotel is located a short distance away from the sea and is the ideal place to spend a relaxing holiday or as a ret...
    670 m
    Exceptional 9.6/10
    20 Reviews
  2. Additional options
  3. This hotel has PRIVATE InItalia Club Rates!

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